When you're feeling it's all too much
SOMETIMES trying to be everything to everyone can feel overwhelming, exhausting, claustraphobic.
If you're feeling this way, it's ok. It's normal. And there are things you can do to feel lighter.
Ask yourself:
What am I feeling? (i.e. like i'm going to explode / like there is not enough time / that i'm running on empty but can't stop / i want to run away)
What do I need? (i.e. to take a day off / to speak to someone / a hug / exercise / wine*)
How do I get that? (i.e. call my colleague / set my diary to OOO / find a tree and hug it / go to the fridge*)
Who can help? (i.e. my boss / partner / friend)
By identitfying how we are feeling, in the moment, and then working out what we need, we can start to tune in and take care of ourselves so that overwhelm doesnt get the chance to take control.
Self regulation. Wellbeing. Done.
*wine is NOT always the answer.